How to actually change profile picture

Shows this picture with cat.

But actual picture should be this:

My google picture is also this:

So no idea where this cat is from, it was my old old profile pic. Perhaps it shows cached pics. How can I force reset cache?


Hey, there! You can clear cache by clicking ? in the bottom left corner β†’ Developer β†’ Reload and clear cache. Let me know if this helps!

Just tried this. It did not help. Still old photo.

Ok, thanks for confirming. Will get this filed to fix and circle back!

We just made a fix wit the cached image on our end. All should be good if you refresh. Please let me know if it’s still unchanged.

It is still unchanged. Reload and clear cache. Also quit the app myself again to make sure. Still old image.

Ok it has changed. :confetti_ball:

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