"Link" / "URL" attribute type, for linking canonical spec docs per task

Links like google docs, specs/PRDs, website references, etc are easy to get lost in the description or comments feed of a task. A “Link” attribute type with special styling for one click opening in browser would be helpful to stay organized!


This is a really nifty suggestion, Jeff! I’ll pass it along to the team :slight_smile:

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Any update on this feature request? I’ll add that I’ve now experimented with a text attribute to solve this, but it’s not linkified, which feels like low-hanging fruit to make this possible. Chat and Description are both insufficient for source-of-truth documentation per task; chat because it’s not temporal/too easy to scroll to an outdated link, and description because it’s hidden by default from most entrypoints.

As an enhancement, showing the favicon of the link would be great, too (I’m imagining Figma icon drawing attention when our engineers are looking for a design spec).



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Any update here? We’re wondering if Height will support this soon or if we need to create a new system (with Height no longer being the source of truth for project documentation…).

Hey, Jeff! Apologies for the delay. Featuring a Links tab in a task’s page is on our roadmap to implement which may suffice your request depending on the design. We understand the potential value of supporting a link-type attribute so we’re exploring ways to possibly combine this request with our current development of a Links tab. No firm ETA as to when a separate link-type attribute would be supported though.
Sorry about that!

Thanks for the update in August! Was there any development here? It continues to be a source of weekly confusion for us.

+1 for us.

It could just piggy back off of the text field instead of adding a new field type. You can simply detect if the text is a link and then linkify it.

Although if there was a dedicated link type, it would allow us to in-theory bind a keyboard shortcut to open the link associated with the task. I could see myself doing this pretty often as most of our work is tried to a notion doc.


We were pretty focused on a few larger Q4 projects, so apologies for the delay. Will see if we can get this prioritized and circle back when I have updates.

What’s the status of this? This is essential for planning purposes. Github, Asana, and other spreadsheet tables incorporates this simple feature.

It’s unfortunate but our company cannot use this product without this feature. I’m confused why it would take a year to implement this - Are you sure product management is aware of this request? What is it currently marked as?

Yes! +1 here, we’ve got the exact same issue however our link is for our Email app (Front). We’ve built a custom integration for Front to create a Height task from an email/conversation and as part of the integration it links back to the email/conversation via a Text attribute. a Link version would be so much nicer and perhaps one where you could give the link a name and icon.

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Hey, Mike! Sorry to hear that this is a blocker for your team, but definitely understand the urgency. While we always value feedback and feature requests, we can’t always promise quick turnarounds. As we’re still a very intimate team of developers and designers, pre-existing high-pri roadmap features may take longer to implement which can delay other requests. I can assure you that the team was made aware of the request as soon as it was made by the original commenter. Apologies for the delay; I will circle back with updates as they come.

hey @Akila_Triggs any updates on this one? Or is there a way we can build our own custom integration that allows creating a link as an attribute?

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Hey, folks! We just shipped a new Custom attribute type for Files that lets you upload files and links into tasks. Simply create a custom attribute from Product settings → Attributes, select File as the type, and you’ll be able to post links and files to tasks.

Hope this helps your workflows and we appreciate your patience as we executed this ask :slight_smile:

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I’m bumping this older request, since I believe it’s still not possible to include any hyperlinked content in Custom attributes.

This, or something like it, would be a BIG help for us.

We’d really like to build some integrations with our tooling that can place hyperlinked text into Height task attributes.

It would be a help to have just a single link, as this topic requested, but a more general solution of allowing text inside a Custom attribute to, e.g., be inline Markdown-formatted with links, would be even better for us.

One alternative we’ve explored is placing content like this into Chat messages, but it’s not always the best fit. We’ve also considering automating edits to the Description to achieve this, but it feels a bit ugly, and it would be so much nicer to have Custom attributes we could use for this purpose.

(Bonus points if we could also use some of the existing styling Height uses itself in attributes, like what’s used for GitHub branches and PRs.)


Hey David,

Is the Files attribute not working for you? We made it work really well with URLs.

See this video:

Let me know

Michael - this is definitely helpful!! I was completely thrown off by the fact that the attribute type was called “Files,” (:sweat_smile:) but I do see that we can include multiple clickable URLs inside fields of this type. And it looks like it’s also possible to manipulate by API. Awesome!

I will say it would still be very nice to have the ability to link within text values, since we do want to convey linked text, not just links alone.

Our immediate use cases involve adding links to a Height task to reference test cases and test runs within our test case management tool, and indicating deployment status of work associated with specific Height tasks. The URLs involved aren’t especially pretty or helpful to see, so while we can simply include them with Files attributes, it would be even better if we could set formatted text.

I’m happy to make a new topic specifically for that, if it’d help!

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Roger that, David! I’ll file this request with our team. Also, feel free to start a new topic in case others want to chime in or +1!!