When attempting to duplicate a list via Zapier I receive an error that the object doesn’t exist.
This error is referring to the list (old-list). When I use the list name or ID the error happens.
Here is a screenshot of both name and ID being used.
This is preventing me from using Height so any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks for flagging, Mark. I’ll get our team to take a look to see what’s happening. For context, are you unable to duplicate the list directly in Height from the ...
menu in the top right of the list?
Hi Akila -
I can duplicate the list directly in Height without any issues. The problem arises when using Zapier.
It’s been two weeks, and I’m still unable to use the system as intended. This delay is quite frustrating, especially since the team started looking into it two weeks ago.
Hi Akila -
I hope you’re well.
I’m reaching out again to see if there’s any update on the matter we discussed. It’s been frustrating to wait through my entire trial period without a resolution. If this isn’t resolved soon, I’ll have to consider closing my account. Please let me know when you have a moment.
Hi, Mark! We actually weren’t able to pull any results for that list ID during our investigation. Not sure if it was deleted or made private.