I’ve found myself simply posting a comment to describe a task rather than using the description field because:
Chat tab is shown by default, and you have to click to add a description
Adding a description requires other people to switch to that tab, then back to the chat if they want to comment.
I think the ideal UI is for the description to be displayed by default, ABOVE the chat section. This would create one unified view for reading about and commenting on a task.
Hey, Jordan! A simultaneous overview of chat and description is possible when viewing tasks in full-screen (shift+cmd+enter
.) If you’d like to see both while viewing a task in a preview panel, you can widen the preview panel to configure the description and chat to be shown in one view.
Let me know if this helps!
Oh nice!
Well then I guess I would alter my request to make this the default view width. This is easy for me to fix for myself, but hard to communicate to every team member in my company (and every new team member).
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I’ve also wanted this. Nice that it’s available in a wider view, but would be good to have description always visible in the same way it is in (for example) github issues.
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Roger that! Will pass this along 
Any updates on this?
I support the suggestion to display the description as the default view instead of the chat or at least to let the user configure which view should be the default one.
I found a workaround for myself, but it doesn’t seem to be optimal and is a bit buggy. The description can be opened in a task using the shortcut CMD+D. In the task overview, the same shortcut opens the task but unfortunately not with the description but with the chat window again. This means that another CMD+D switches to the description window.
Hi, Alex! Our newly enhanced task page lets you hide the chat completely if you’d like! When chat is hidden, the task description (and attribute modal) will be the only content shown in the task page. More info on how to do that can be found in this article 
Thanks Akila for pointing that out. But this hides only the chat in the full task view. I work almost exclusively with the task view as a sidebar from the task overview. And here the chat tab is always displayed by default and I have to switch to the description tab “inconveniently”. I would like to get around that because - sorry about that - I don’t need or use the chat at all.
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Makes sense; I’ll be sure to circle back once that’s supported. Apologies for the inconvenience!