Organize lists in the sidebar into sections

Similar to how Slack lets you organize channels, I need a way to put lists in visible folders (and ideally even subfolders under those) in order to organize them all. There are so many lists I need in my favorites and it’s impossible to do anything but reorder them in order to better visualize.


Hey, Laura! We’ve had similar requests to support better list organization and I totally agree that it’d be a useful improvement. I’ll file this with the team! Thanks :smiley:


Thank you so so much!

Can I second this please.

I see topics where users are asking for lists within lists, or how to manage a separate group of projects within lists. (Project List 1 has project a, b and c. Project List 2 has project x, y and z)

I think this is all due to the inability to create an organised folder structure in the sidebar.

As an example. If I rolled Height into an enterprise environment whereby fifteen departments are running twenty projects each, the sidebar would be a complete mess.

As Laura mentioned, its unmanageable to keep all lists in the favourite section.


I want to second this. The tool is extremely flexible: but to a fault.
The lack of structure is a huge no-go for the very people in our organization that I want to convince to onboard: They won’t know where to look and how to get started.

Makes total sense, GJ! I’ll add your feedback to the request file :+1:t5:

Appreciate the honest feedback, Aleksander! I’ll try to get this prioritized to improve :crossed_fingers:t5:

I’d like this too please :white_check_mark:


Hello - was wondering if we could get an update on this feature request, or perhaps bump it higher in priority/consideration?

Right now, I love Height, but

This is my #1 pain point. Even at a smaller company, the un-organizeable sidebar is becoming a very limiting factor to wider use and wider adoption for us.

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@michael This is also a big pain point for myself with the vast number of lists I need to keep track of. A simple list grouping feature would be a huge improvement.

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I have my team working in Height with hopes of building toward wider adoption in the future. This the top “I need…” ask from the PM that’s working in Height with us and is a general want across my teammates as well.

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Hey, folks! Definitely understand the urgency of this request and we appreciate your patience as we continue to explore ways to integrate this feature into our current design. We want to be sure to get this right, and with an intimate team of developers, this may be an extended project as it’ll be a huge change to our current UI. Either way, I’ll post any and all updates here regarding the progress of the project :slight_smile:

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Take your time. I think one of the benefits of Height is the simplicity and lack of bloat. Feature creep could lose that.

I think there does need to be a way to organize your lists, but definitely take the time to get it right.

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I’ll be following this one as well. :+1:

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Plus one on the request. Very important if you have many lists.

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While I love the AI stuff that Height has been putting out, having a single list hierarchy makes it really difficult to organize projects especially when you’re working with clients/third parties

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Very fair point, Ryan! Thanks for sharing and for being patient with us :heart_hands: