Feature request: additional automation macros


It would be great if additional automation macros could be added to calculate or derive values from existing fields.

One example that I would use a lot: calculate the hours/days/weeks between the start and due dates of a task and add it to another Estimated Time column. Of course, I could do this manually (and I do that now) but this is something that would be trivial for AI and could run automatically.

Other examples based on spreadsheet macros:

Concatenate column values into new column(s)
Duplicate tags/status/priority for task if task contains (word/status/priority/tags) [this may already be possible with existing automations]

Iā€™m sure there are many more.

Anyway, Height 2.0 is fantastic and one of the few apps that has integrated AI in a useful way.

Nice suggestion; will share this with the team!

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