Set colors & icons for tasks - menu unavailable

Hi Height Team,
Web Height v2.5 or MacOS v0.28.2 do not seem not show any option to allocate color or icon to tasks when right clicking on the task in the timeline; as described in this support page:

The first list item is “Clear dates”.
Has this feature changed location?

Do you mind sharing an image of the menu you’re seeing, Bert? We didn’t make any changes, so the color selector should still be the first option listed.

Hi @Akila_Triggs,
Thanks for coming back to me.
That’s interesting; I recognise the menu you are showing above from your tutorials, but the one I see looks different. the first line I tee I see is “Clear dates”.

I would love to include the screenshot of the MacOS Height app v0.28.2 Gantt chart contextual menu I have done for you. The menu is identical in the black or white colour scheme, and also on the web app.

I have tried attaching this screenshot to my reply using the forum interface and also by email, to face the same pop-up / email reply:
“An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post”

What must I do to be allowed to post pictures please?

Ah, sorry about that. Can you try uploading the image now?

Hi @Akila_Triggs,
Sorry for the delay, please find my screenshot below.
the menu is the same for me on the dark and light colour scheme as well as the web app.
Kind regards,

This is also happening to me but for new projects.

I have tested on old projects and I can set icons/colors to the new tasks.

In the case of new projects (even in old workspaces) it is not possible to set icons/colors.