Show ticket number in "Assigned to me" table

I use the “Assigned to me” view as my home base within Height, and less often, the “Inbox”, but neither of those shows the ticket number without clicking into the relevant ticket and waiting for it to load, which is slightly annoying.

For context, my job uses Height ticket numbers exclusively to refer to the work we are doing, and we also use them for the automated workflows, so I often need to check which number is associated with the work I am discussing. Needing to click through each ticket just to get the number is tedious, and it would be amazing if we showed it in the ticket preview list that’s in the Inbox and “Assigned to me” tab.

Either way, thanks for making the first ticket management software that I feel is genuinely good :pray:

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Hi, James! This is actually supported in both Inbox and Assigned to me :smiley:

The easiest way to toggle Task IDs in Assigned to me is via the Command palette:

  • While in the list, click cmd+k to open the command palette
  • In the command palette, type Task IDs
  • Select Toggle tasks IDs and voila! The task IDs will be visible.

    Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 8.32.01 AM
    *NOTE: as shown in the command palette, the default shortcut to quickly toggle on/off task IDs is shift+cmd+i.

To show task IDs in your Inbox:

Hope this helps!